
Google TechTalk: Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is a field aiming a the creation, deployment, and interoperation of machine readable data on the Internet.

In the talk: Projects in DERI on Semantic Web technologies - notably Semantic Interlinking of Online Community sites, Social Semantic Collaborative Filtering, and ActiveRDF, a library for Browsing, programming and navigating data.

The SIOC (Semantic Interlinking of Online Communities) project is an effort aiming at establishing and deploying a metadata vocabulary for interlinking and connecting distributed conversation on blogs, bulletin boards, and mailing lists.

The vocabulary has been implemented in major open source software tools such as Wordpress, is gaining popularity and allows searching more-effectively.

Social Semantic Collaborative Filtering is a solution which adapts semantic web technologies to collaborative filtering solutions based on predefined social networks. In other words, users can classify and share their knowledge based on semantic annotations linked to existing knowledge organization systems.

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