
Struggling Yahoo!

The New-York Times and Wall-Street Journal have both-reported about the cost-cutting measures at Yahoo!, citing people familiar with the matter.

Besides falling further behind rival Google in the lucrative search and advertising market, Yahoo! has also been struggling to hold on to younger audiences, as they spend more time on popular online-hangouts like Facebook.

It won't come as a surprise if Yahoo! jettisons workers, said Global Equities Research analyst Trip-Chowdhry. He believes Yahoo! has-room to trim its work force by about 5 percent.

With shareholders clamoring for a shake-up, Yahoo! co-founder Jerry-Yang took over as the company's chief-executive in June, 2007. He has promised to re-establish Yahoo's position as the Web's most popular "starting point" while building a compelling ad network, but his progress hasn't been impressive.

Via Daily-Press

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