
U.S. Internet in 2007

comScore, Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, has released a report highlighting the major trends in U.S. Internet activity in 2007.

Gainers in 2007
Social networking giant Facebook reaped the benefits of opening registration to all users, jumping 81% versus December 2006 to 34.7 million visitors in December 2007.
Wikipedia Sites gained 34 percent to reach nearly 52 million visitors, continuing its reign as the Web’s most popular reference hub. Classified site Craigslist.org jumped 74 percent to 24.5 million visitors, while AT&T grew 27 percent to 30.2 million visitors boosted by its exclusive deal with Apple as carrier for the iPhone.
Several of the top-gaining properties were driven by the acquisition of Web entities including, but not limited to, the following:

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