
Israel exposed on Facebook

A recent inquiry by the Israeli Defense-Ministry into popular social networks online, including Facebook, revealed that members of Israel's security establishment exposed classified information on the Web.

Information included photos of soldiers. Some of the photos were taken at classified sites, with secret information appearing in the background.

Following the inquiry, the Defense Ministry distributed a special document to all members of the defense establishment detailing security restrictions that apply to anyone joining a social network on the Internet.

The document, which was designated for members of the IDF, Defense Ministry, Shin Bet, and Mossad, was also acquired by Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

The document instructs defense establishment members to refrain from revealing that they work for the security forces. In addition, no details related to the defense establishment must be exposed on the Internet, including non-classified information. The document also urges soldiers and security officials to refrain from posting photographs taken at defense establishment sites.

Meanwhile, soldiers were also ordered to refrain from posting photos of themselves in uniform, even if they were taken at home.

Notably, Facebook is popular among Shin Bet members, and particularly the VIP protection unit. Many security guards have signed up to Facebook and some even revealed their place of employment online. However, the Shin Bet warned the guards several months ago that the details they shared on the Web endanger them and provides hostile enemies with information.

In addition, security officials who hold sensitive posts have been banned from joining a social network on the Internet.

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