
Social Network: Hi-tech tools

Social networks are moving to make it much easier for developers to write add-ons for popular sites.

Bebo, Facebook, Meebo and Friendster have unveiled plans to help them become more than places to keep in touch. Despite the tie-up on tools, Bebo and Facebook will not become a unified network.

Related Link: 'Exodus' to virtual worlds predicted

In a broader announcement, Bebo unveiled its Open Application platform which will produce a set of common interfaces that developers can use to create applications that will work with the social-network site.

Social Networks - Daily Visitors
  1. MySpace - 29 million
  2. Facebook - 15 million
  3. Friendster - 5.9 million
  4. Orkut - 9.6 million
  5. Bebo - 4.8 million
Source: ComScore July 2007

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