
Think-Big, Think-Fast, Think-Ahead

The Reckitt-Benckiser formula sounds simple enough: well-researched markets, good product innovation, strong marketing, all creating brand loyalty.

RB - maker of Vanish, Finish, Cillit Bang, Dettol, Clearasil, Nurofen and Lemsip among others - is performing above expectations. Chief executive Bart-Becht has pointed out that while consumers do not tend to buy more cleaning products during a financial upturn, neither do they buy less in a slowdown.

RB's advertising agency Euro RSCG has to keep in step with this rhythm too.

Sam Southey, who runs the RB business at the agency, adds: "Pace is behind everything that RB does, in terms of innovation and in terms of decision making. You always exit a meeting with a decision and that creates speed. You're through and out the other side at the speed of light - and then onto the next."

> Insight from mad.co.uk

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